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The Marquètte Team is comprised of developers, web designers, and marketers who work daily to make this product even better. You can track our progress through social media.

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When you subscribe to the Silver Plan, you get access to the Marquètte AI-powered platform and all its features for the duration of 30 days. You also get 20,000 coins used to ‘pay’ for generated content. In addition, with this plan, you receive free market insights for your industry on the user Home page. Also, you get access to top-quality customer support via email.

We use Stripe for payment processing. Stripe is one of the leaders among secure and efficient payment processing services available online today. We do not get access to your credit card information, and it’s not stored within our databases. Your payment is 100% safe and secure!

The Silver Plan subscription gives you 20,000 coins. The in-app ‘payment system’ counts 1 coin per word. Therefore, you can generate up to 20,000 words of content with a monthly subscription.

Yes! You can enjoy using the Marquètte AI content writing software FREE for 7 days. Explore the features of the product to see how well it can complement your content generation process. You will need to provide your credit card information when signing up for the free trial. However, you won’t be billed for 7 days.

To help content writers save more time and make using Marquètte more convenient, we created content Templates. These are different post presets you can use to generate specific types of content, for example, blog or SMM posts. In addition, you can use Templates to generate complex mathematical formulas to insert into the text. We also offer a Template that gives a quick business analysis of any company, which you can use for research to enrich your own articles.

Marquètte is an AI-powered platform that uses GPT-3 based language models from OpenAI. This AI learns by browsing texts on the Internet and processing textual content to predict sequences of words based on a variety of scenarios. It means that the answers provided by the AI content generator come from the vast global library of existing knowledge.

When using the Marquètte AI-powered platform, your data is completely secure. We do not use it to provide any additional training to AI or store it within our servers. All data processing is transient. Ensuring your privacy is our top priority. Marquètte runs on AWS and we use all possible precautions to keep your data protected. Our high security standards entail frequent updates to ensure your protection is always top-notch.

We are always ready to answer any questions you have or offer assistance with any issues.Please get in touch with us anytime!